So my New Years resolution is to lose weight. I know that this is a common resolution that many don't stick to so I have decided that I am going to blog every day about how it is going and how I feel. If I know people are watching and pushing me along I can do it! Plus, I hate it when people see me fail or not do as well as I would have liked so I am making myself stick to this. The more people the better because the less chance their is for me to fail!
Right now I am at the heaviest I have ever been. I don't want to live my life always looking at other girls and thinking, "man I wish I was skinny like her". I know there are always going to be skinnier girls and prettier girls but I also know that I used to be skinny. I didn't think I was at the time but you can bet that when I am back to that size I'll know that I will know I'm skinny again!
I know that my family is going to benefit from this as well as me, my self esteem is going to be up which will only help those that I am around all the time. It is so hard to be happy when someone you are around alot isn't.
If there is anyone that wants to do this with me, I would love it! The more the marrier! I'm going to do this and can't wait to see the new me!!!